Sunday, February 8, 2009

Proud of my husband

I just wanted to take a minute to mention how proud I was of my husband today. He started facilitating this book discussion with our church youth kids today. The book is called "Do hard things" by Alex & Brett Harris. When his buddy, Jeff suggested that he read this book because of his involvement with our church youth group, he went straight out to buy the book... read it in nothing flat... then set out on a mission to get it in front of our kids so that it could fuel the amazing gifts and talents that so many of our kids already have inside of of them. He did such a wonderful job today... you could see it stirring thoughts and ideas in the kids... they were all participating in the discussion. I was even amazed by the attendance alone... maybe 30 or so showed up. It's a new thing we are trying... after Sunday school and church... so its an additional committment of time to the church for these kids.... I think it's really great... its such an amazing bunch of kids. We are blessed to have them in our lives... and today, I felt they were surely blessed, to have Brent in their lives too.... those are the simple, but very special moments that make me fall in love with him over and over again.

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